Diploma in Ren Ai Catholic Kindergarten (Chung-an)
Diploma in Hsin-chu County Chung-an Elementary School
Diploma in Hsin-chu County Hu-kou Junior High School
Certificate of Participation the 7th Senior Indus Experiment High School in Veterans Affairs Commission, Executive Yuan, ROC (Licensed as an Heavy mech dept of Natl Tao-yuan Agricultural & Indus Vocational High School )
Certificate of Participation the 3rd, Courses 1990yr at Navy Navigation School
Certificate of Commercial Accounting Dept at Southeast Commercial Vocational School
Certificate of International Trade Dept at Southeast Commercial Vocational School
Professional Certificate in Management of The Open University in 2004
Professional Diploma in Management of The Open University in 2005
Master of Business Administration Diploma at United Business Institutes, Brussels
Diploma in the 24th Prof FIN Analyst Courses at Dept Trader’s of China Industrial & Commercial Research Institute
Certificate of International